Leased Property Clause

Leased Property Clause
The Policy extends to indemnify any other party having an interest in the property insured by virtue of and in accordance with the terms of a mortgage, leasing, hiring or Renting Agreement provided such property is not more specifically insured.

Klausul Harta Benda Sewa Beli
Polis ini diperluas untuk memberikan ganti rugi kepada pihak-pihak lain yang memiliki kepentingan atas barang yang dipertanggungkan berdasarkan dan sesuai dengan persyaratan perjanjian Hak Tanggungan, Hipotek, Sewa Kontrak, Sewa Menyewa, dengan syarat harta benda tersebut tidak dengan syarat dipertanggungkan secara lebih khusus.

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Landslip, Landslide and Subsidence Clause

Landslip, Landslide and Subsidence Clause
Notwithstanding anything stated to the contrary in Conditions 6 of the policy, the Policy shall subject to the Special Conditions hereinafter contained extend to include loss or damage to the property insured directly cause by Landslip and subsidence whether caused by flood or otherwise.

Provided always that all the conditions of the Policy (except insofar as they may be hereby expressly varied) shall apply as if they had been incorporated herein and for the purpose hereof any loss or damage as aforesaid shall be deemed to be loss or damage by fire.

Special Conditions:

  1. The liability of the company in no case under this endorsement and the policy exceed the sum insured by each item of the policy.
  2. The property shall be maintained in good and substantial state of repair.
  3. The insurance under this endorsement does not cover:
    1. The cost of repairing, cleaning or making good drains of water courses.
    2. Consequential loss of any description.
    3. Loss caused by earthquake.

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Internal Removal Clause

Internal Removal Clause
It is understood and agreed that is the event of removal of property from one building to another at any of the situations covered by this policy being inadvertently to the Insurer, the insurance on such property shall follow removal, the necessary adjustments in Sum and premium being made as from the date of removal as soon as the oversight is discovered. Provided however that the liability of the Insurer shall not exceed the Sum Insured hereunder.

Klausul Pemindahan Harta Benda
Dengan ini dimengerti dan disetujui, bahwa apabila terjadi pemindahan harta benda dari satu bangunan ke bangunan lainnya dalam lingkungan yang dijamin oleh Polis ini yang secara tidak sengaja tidak diberitahukan kepada Penanggung, maka pertanggungan atas harta benda tersebut akan ikut pula dipindahkan, penyesuaian-penyesuaian yang diperlukan mengenai jumlah pertanggungan dan premi, dihitung dari sejak tanggal pemindahan harta benda tersebut, dibuat segera setelah kekeliruan itu diketahui. Akan tetapi dengan syarat, tanggung jawab Penanggung tidak akan melebihi jumlah pertanggungan di dalam Polis.

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Information Technology Hazard Clarification Clause (N.M.A. 2912)

Information Technology Hazard Clarification Clause (N.M.A. 2912)
Losses arising, directly or indirectly, out of:

  • loss of, alteration of, or damage to; or
  • a reduction in the functionally, availability or operation of

a computer system, hardware, programme, software, data, information repository, microship, integrated circuit or similar device in computer equipment or non-computer equipment, whether the property of the policyholder of the reinsured or not, do not in and of themselves constitute an event unless arising out of one or more the following perils:
fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft or vehicle impact, falling objects, windstorm, hail, tornado, cyclone, hurricane, earthquake, volcano, tsunami, flood, freeze or weight of snow.

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Impact by Own Vehicle Clause

Impact by Own Vehicle Clause
It is noted and agreed that the cover relating to impact of vehicles shall include vehicles owned or used by the Insured.

Klausul Tertabrak Kendaraan Sendiri
Dengan ini dicatat dan disetujui, bahwa jaminan akibat tertabrak kendaraan-kendaraan termasuk tertabrak kendaraan yang dimiliki atau yang digunakan oleh Tertanggung sendiri.

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General Interest Clause

General Interest Clause
Certain of the Property insured may be the subject of hire purchase lease or other agreements and the interest of the other parties to these arrangements is noted in this insurance, the nature and extent of such interest to be disclosed by the Insured in the event of damage.

Klausul Kepentingan Umum
Sebagian dari harta benda yang dipertanggungkan mungkin terikat pada Perjanjian Sewa Beli atau Perjanjian-Perjanjian lainnya dan kepentingan pihak-pihak lain dalam perjanjian-perjanjian tersebut dicatat dalam pertanggungan ini, sifat dan luasnya kepentingan tersebut harus diberitahukan oleh Tertanggung dalam hal terjadi kerusakan.

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Fire Fighting Expenses Clause

Fire Fighting Expenses Clause
It is hereby agreed that in the event of fire or series of fires arising directly or indirectly from the same occurrence following insured perils, including fire threatening to involve the property insured, the Insured shall be entitled to recover:

  1. The actual cost of materials used and/or damaged in extinguishing or controlling or attempting to extinguish or control any such fire.
  2. The cost of all clothing and/or personal effects damaged and/or lost as a result of such fire and/or fighting , extinguishing or controlling or attempting to fight or extinguish or control such fire unless more specifically insured elsewhere.
  3. All other actual expenses (including wages and the like paid for fighting, extinguishing or controlling or attempting to fight, extinguish or control such fire and/or localizing such fire).

Klausul Biaya Pemadaman Kebakaran
Dengan ini disetujui bahwa pada saat terjadi kebakaran atau rangkaian kebakaran yang timbul secara langsung atau tidak langsung dari kejadian yang sama mengikuti risiko yang dijamin, termasuk kebakaran yang mengancam harta benda yang dipertanggungkan, Tertanggung berhak mendapat penggantian atas:

  1. Biaya nyata atas bahan yang digunakan dan/atau rusak dalam pemadaman atau mengendalikan atau usaha untuk memadamkan atau mengendalikan suatu kebakaran.
  2. Biaya seluruh pakaian dan/atau barang pribadi yang rusak dan/atau hilang sebagai akibat kebakaran dan/atau perlawanan, pemadaman atau pengedalian atau usaha melawan atau memadamkan atau mengendalikan kebakaran tersebut kecuali jika dipertanggungkan secara khusus pada jenis pertanggungan lain.
  3. Biaya nyata lainnya (termasuk gaji dan sejenisnya untuk usaha atau pemadaman atau pengedalian atau usaha untuk melawan atau memadamkan atau mengendalikan kebakaran tersebut dan/atau melokalisir kebakaran tersebut).

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Fire Brigades Charges Clause

Fire Brigades Charges Clause
It is hereby understood and agreed that the reasonable charges raised by any local authority for the provision of fire fighting Appliances called for the purpose of protecting the premises shall be recoverable hereunder.

Klausul Biaya Pemadam Kebakaran
Dengan ini diketahui dan disetujui, bahwa biaya-biaya yang wajar dan layak, yang timbul karena ditetapkan oleh Pejabat setempat yang berwenang dalam rangka pemanggilan Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran guna melindungi obyek pertanggungan.

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Extra Expenses Clause

Extra Expenses Clause

  1. Subject to all its terms and conditions, this Policy also covers the necessary Extra Expense incurred by the Insured in order to continue as nearly as practicable the normal conduct of the Insured’s business following damage to or destruction of the property insured, or of property rented to or used by the Insured (other than property excluded), by perils insured. The Insurers shall be liable for the extra expense so incurred for not exceeding such length of time, herein referred to as the period of restoration commencing with the date of the loss and not limited by the date of expiration of this policy but subject to the Indemnity Period applying, as shall be required with the exercise of due diligence and dispatch to repair, rebuild or replace such property.
  2. The term “Extra Expense” wherever used in this Schedule is defined as the excess (if any) of the total cost during the period of restoration chargeable to the conduct of the Insured’s business, over and above the total cost that would normally have been incurred to conduct the business during the same period had no damage or destruction occurred, the cost in each case to include expense of using other property or facilities of other concerns or other necessary expenses.

In no event, however, shall Insurers also be liable under this extra expense section for Loss of Income, nor for the cost of repairing or replacing any property that has been damaged or destroyed, except cost in excess of the normal cost of such repair or replacements necessarily incurred for the purpose of reducing the total amount of extra expense.

  1. Any salvage of property obtained for temporary use during the period of restoration which remains after resumption of operations shall be taken into consideration in the adjustment of any loss hereunder.
  2. Insurers shall not be liable for Extra Expense occasioned by any ordinance of law regulating or prohibiting the repair of buildings, nor by the suspension, lapse or cancellation of any license, lease or any written or oral agreement, nor for the cost of compiling books of record or other documents.

Limit USD …….. any one loss and provided that the total amount of Business Interruption, Increased Cost of Working and Extra Expense does not exceed the Sum Insured for Business Interruption stated in the schedule.

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