asuransi yatch


Pleasure Craft Insurance merupakan asuransi yang memberikan paket jaminan kerugian atas kapal yacht atau pleasure craft yang Anda miliki dari berbagai macam risiko.

  1. Hull & Machinery
    Jaminan terhadap kerusakan atau kerugian pada Yacht yang disebabkan oleh risiko-risiko berikut ini:

    • bahaya laut seperti cuaca buruk, tenggelam, tabrakan, dan lain-lain (perils of the seas)
    • kebakaran, ledakan
    • pembuangan kargo ke laut (jettison)
    • perompakan (piracy)
    • tabrakan dengan dok, pelabuhan, kendaraan atau pesawat terbang
    • gempa bumi, letusan gunung berapi, sambaran petir
    • kecelakaan pada waktu bongkar muat peralatan, mesin atau bahan bakar
    • perbuatan jahat dan pencurian
    • kelalaian nahkoda dan crew

  3. Third Party Liability (Tanggung Jawab Hukum Pihak Ketiga)
    Menjamin Tanggung Jawab Hukum terhadap Pihak Ketiga yang disebabkan oleh kecelakaan operasional dari Yacht (atau Speed Boat) yang meliputi:

    • Property Damage: kerusakan pada kapal lain atau harta benda lainnya
    • Bodily Injury: cidera badan atau kematian orang di sekitar kapal atau di kapal lainnya
    • Legal Costs: biaya-biaya hukum sehubungan dengan penyelesaian perkara
    • Removal of Wreck: biaya-biaya pengangkatan atau untuk menyingkirkan puing-puing kapal

  5. Personal Accident for Crews and Passengers (Kecelakaan Diri Operator dan Penumpang)
    Memberikan santunan kematian atau cacat tetap (death and disablement) atas kecelakaan diri pada operator atau penumpang (crews and passengers).

  7. Personal Effects (Barang-barang dan perlengkapan pribadi)
    Memberikan ganti rugi terhadap kerusakan atau kehilangan barang-barang dan perlengkapan pribadi operator atau penumpang (crews and passengers) yang berada di kapal pada saat terjadinya kecelakaan, seperti pakaian, tas, dan perlengkapan lainnya, namun tidak termasuk uang atau cek dan perhiasan.
No claim shall be allowed in respect of any:

  1. Outboard motor dropping off or falling overboard
  2. Ship’s boat having a maximum designed speed exceeding 17 knots, unless such boat is specially covered herein and subject also to the conditions of the Speedboat Clause 19 below, or is on the parent Vessel or laid up ashore
  3. Ship’s boat not permanenetly marked with the name of the parent Vessel
  4. Sails and protective covers split by the wind or blown away while set, unless in consequence of damage to the spars to which sails are bent, or occasioned by the Vessel being stranded or in collision or contact with any external substance (ice included) other than water
  5. Sails, masts, spars or standing and running rigging while the Vessel is racing, unless the loss or damage is caused by the Vessel being stranded, sunk, burnt, on fire or in collision or contact with any external substance (ice included) other than water
  6. Personal effects
  7. Consumable stores, fishing gear or moorings
  8. Sheathing, or repairs thereto, unless the loss or damage has been caused by the Vessel being stranded, sunk, burnt, on fire or in collision or contact with any external substance (ice included) other than water
  9. Loss or expenditure incurred in remedying a fault in design or construction or any cost or expense incurred by reason of betterman or alteration in design or construction
  10. Motor and connections (but not strut shaft or propeller) electrical equipment and batteries and connections, where the loss or damage has been caused by heavy whether, unless the loss or damage has been caused by the Vessel being immersed, but this clause 10.10 shall not exclude loss or damage caused by the Vessel being stranded or in collision or contact with another vessel, pier or jetty.
  1. Karakteristik Kapal Pesiar (Yacht) dan Speed Boat adalah pada ukuran dan beratnya yang kecil, umumnya terbuat dari bahan fiberglass yang ringan, kecepatannya umumnya tidak lebih dari 17 knots, dan area navigasi pada kawasan tidak lebih dari radius 30 mil dari garis pantai.
  2. Yacht dan Speed Boat umumnya digunankan untuk keperluas rekreasi (leisure) atau untuk crew transportation.
  3. Policy Warranty
    • Warranted Pleasure Craft License and all local statutory certificates to be valid and maintained at the time of accident.
    • Warranted vessel to be properly moored / kept at licensed boatel’s / sailing club’s premises when not in use.
    • Warranted person piloting the insured vessel holds a valid license and maintained at the time of accident.
    • Warranted the number of passenger carried does not exceed the number allowed by the port of authority of the insured vessel.
    • Warranted documents of boat must be valid maintain at the time of accident.
  4. Deductibles
    • Hull & Machinery : 0.5% from vessel value on all claims each accident or occurence except Total and/or Constructive Total Loss
    • Legal Liability Cover : 0.5% from vessel value each and every loss in respect of third party property damage only
Tarif Premi sangat bergantung pada “Underwriting Information” berikut ini:

  • Jenis Kapal, Usia, dan Tonase
  • Trading Area atau Navigasi
  • Luas Jaminan dan Limit of Liability
  • Pengalaman Asuransi dan Loss Record

Berdasarkan pengalaman kami, tarif premi Pleasure Craft Insurance berkisar di 1.50 – 2.75% dari Harga Pertanggungan.

  1. Report the accident to the port authorities, when appropriate
  2. Do not negotiate, settle, or admit any liability to a third party, and do not waive any right against any other parties
  3. Safely berth the vessel for inspection or investigation
  4. Keep the damaged equipment / parts for inspection
  5. Provide the following documents without delay:
    • Incident report detailing the circumstances of the accident
    • Photos of the damage
    • Repair quotation
    • Copies of the vessel license and the master certificate (if applicable)
    • Maintenance records
Informasikan “Underwriting Information” dan lampirkan spesifikasi Yacht melalui email kami ke: atau melalui WhatsApp di +6281331064766.


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