Electronic Data Recognition Clause EDRC “A”

Electronic Data Recognition Clause EDRC “A”
This insurance does not cover any loss, damage, cost, claim or expense, whether preventative remedial or otherwise, directly or indirectly arising out of or relating to:

  • The calculation, comparison, differentiation, sequencing or processing of data involving the date change to the year 2000, or any other date change including leap year calculations, by any computer system, hardware program or software and/or any microchip, integrated circuit or similar device in computer equipment or non-computer equipment, whether the property of the insured or not, or
  • Any change, alteration, or modification involving the date change to the year 2000 or any other date change including leap year calculations, to any such computer system hardware, program or software and/or any microchip, integrated circuit or similar device in computer equipment or non-computer equipment, whether the property of the insured or not.

This clause applies regardless of any other cause or event that contributes concurrently or in any sequence to the loss damage, cost, claim or expense.

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