Claim Co-Operation Clause

Claim Co-Operation Clause
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, under this policy:

  1. The Re-Insured shall, upon knowledge of any loss(es) or occurrence(s) which may give rise to a claim recoverable hereunder, advise the Re-Insurers thereof as soon as practicable – but in any case no later than 14 days after such loss or occurrence.
  2. The Re-Insured shall furnish the Re-Insurers with all information available respecting such loss(es) or occurrence(s).
  3. The Re-Insured shall co-operate with the Re-Insurers in the appointment of Adjusters, Assessors, Surveyors or other Experts and in all negotiations, adjustments and settlements.

It is understood and agreed that all Adjusters, Assessors, Surveyors, or Experts appointed in accordance with the provisions of this clause shall be deemed to be acting on behalf of the Re-Insured and All Re-Insurers and that the fees, expenses, costs and all other disbursements occurred in this connection shall be shared pro-rata by all interested parties.

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